Wednesday, September 26, 2007


While I was looking at what group to attend I saw many groups. As I kept on searching I found a group that is very important for me to get involved in right away.
I have been raised in a Christian. I have always gone to church every Sunday, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Now that I am living on campus I can not go to all the services my church has throughout the week in Orlando. This is why I decided to attend a Christian group at University of South Florida called the Navigators.
The Navigators are a group that is dedicated to learn to learn to experience God and grow in our relationship with Him. They meet weekly for worship, Bible studies, and prayer, among other things.
They have three different meetings you can attend. One of these meetings are the Bible studies which are on several different days of the week and you can accommodate it to your schedule. Here we gather together and study different verses of the Bible each week.
Another meeting the Navigators have is one called Freshmen Connection. This is the Freshmen Bible study. Here a group of freshmen are gathered together and do ice breakers, like games and challenges among other things, to get to know each other and make new friends. Then they divide into groups of around 8 people and, with a staff leader, and study the Bible.
I have already attended the Freshmen Connection, but the one I attended first, and loved it, was the NavNites. Here we worship, pray and someone preaches. Here I received the word of God and got encouragement that helps me get through my problems and through the week of classes. It also drew me closer to God.
The people that are members of the Navigators are awesome. They are very nice and the moment I got there everyone introduced themselves to me and introduced me to other people. Even the staff in charge of the group started talking to me and one of them turned out to be from my same country so we had a lot of stuff in common to talk about.
It was totally what I expected. I had seen their website and it really looked like fun, and it definitely was. My fist experience was so great that the week after I attended the NavNites I went to the Freshmen Connection, and I also loved it. Here I got to meet new people and learn a lot about the Bible.
The social scene in college is very different than in high school. In high school you attended school from a certain hour to a certain hour and then you quickly went back home because there was really nothing to do in school. In college I think it is different especially if you are close to the campus. This is mainly because you are closer to where the groups meet and you have more opportunities to accommodate the meetings to your class schedule.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fashion Blogs

Fashion blogs are useful to those of us that are interested in new trends in clothing
or accessories (shoes, handbags, jewelry, belts, hats) at all levels, from what big labels are demonstrating in runway shows to what regular people are wearing in the streets. These blogs let consumers know, faster than newspapers, what the latest trends are in different parts of the world. The communication established by these blogs is a two way communication between retailers and consumers.
Fahion blogs are also useful to designers and retailers for various reasons.
Fashion blogs serve designers by immediately disseminating the fashions in their runway
shows among potential buyers. For the same reason, retailers can take advantage of these
blogs, which are mostly shopping blogs providing “shopping advice, liberally laced with
consumer recommendations.
By using links in their blogs, readers can be connected to retail outlets in order to generate sales. Also, by reading blogs written by individuals, designers and retailers can find out what people like or dislike about the merchandise that they are offering in order to modify their production if so deemed beneficial to them economically.
Fashion blogs provide news and information about new and
upcoming fashion trends and about Hollywood glam. They discuss the best and worse
looks and include images of actresses and famous people and discuss clothes used by
them during different activities. The blogs include links to fashion magazines, such as
Cosmo Girl, and tell people where to find such clothes and where to get the best prices
for them. It includes links to information about different stores, from fairly priced
stores to expensive stores, for example: Payless Shoes, Bloomingdale’s, and Neiman Marcus. The
blogs also include links of different brands (such as Oscar de la Renta, Marc
Jacobs, and Chanel), fashion designers and stars. This links provide information about
their new collections and which stars are wearing them. People connect socially through
“sharing content, perspectives, insights, experiences, opinions, media”(quoted) and
through reading the different links and watching the different videos provided for them.
Fashion blogs bring people, with the same interest for fashion, together and the people
get to discuss and comment about clothing, shoes, handbags, and jewelry that are being
used in these days. This information shown in the fashion blogs, in a sense, is
reliable. It is reliable because the information that is being provided about designers, fashion,
stores, and magazines is true and you can read about and confirm it in the links they have to
fashion magazines and in the official websites of the stores. But the other part of
the blogs that is about people commenting about the fashion shown are opinions and every
person has different likes and dislikes. In these blogs there is enough information to
satisfy everyone’s likes and dislikes and to cover everything that there is about the fashion
world. The five blogs where I will focus my interests in are found at The five blogs are: 1) “The Fashionista Diaries: I'll Get You My Pretty … and Your Shoes Too!”, 2) “Fashion "Addicts" , 3) “Lela Rose at Payless“, 4)
“Borrow or Steal... a Bag?”, 5) and “Award Show or Prom?”.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Journal #1-Biography

In my life, there have been good times, fair times and bad times too. The good times I remember dearly. I can recall the fair times. The bad times I usually try to forget. However, “bad times” can come in the shape of challenges that, when faced and ultimately conquered, can metamorphose into a beautiful experience just like when an ugly caterpillar turns into a magnificent butterfly.
At age four I started pre-kinder at a private school. In this school all the classes where in English and as a result English became my second language. As a present for my sixth grade graduation my mom and dad surprised me with a vacation to Europe, where we spent three weeks going to London, England, Paris, France, and Madrid, Spain.
I left my middle school and started attending an academy. This was one of the best times in my life because I got to meet new people and make friendships that I know will last for ever. While I was in the ninth grade, my father underwent open heart surgery and spent a month in an intensive care unit. I managed to concentrate on my studies and was nominated for induction into my high school’s chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. I studied hard for my family and for myself in spite of the difficult circumstances we were confronting. Finally my dad returned home.
I continued to do well in school . One day, the government expropriated the hospital in which my father had his medical practice and he lost his job of over twelve years. The biggest challenge of my life was about to begin.
Because of this we had many economic hardships. I had to move from my high school and I started tenth grade in a new high school.
My father found work in the United States. I left behind the balmy breezes, the year-round warm climate, my friends, my relatives, my church, my food and my Spanish language. I wondered if I would be able to survive the cultural clash that I would be facing in this country. I was worried about my capacity to adapt to a new and different environment. I had doubts about my ability to excel academically in the United States even with the fluency in Spanish and English that I had acquired throughout my years in private schools. I knew I would have to work hard to realize my dream of being admitted to a university.
I started my junior year at Celebration High School. I studied very hard and my work is paying off. I was nominated and inducted into my high school’s chapter of the National Honor Society and was elected Secretary of Student Government at the beginning of my senior year. Again, as a graduation present my parents took me to Europe where we spent a month going to Paris, France, and Seville, Toledo, and Madrid in Spain. It was this trip that inspired me to study architecture.